It was second rainy day in the row. The only workout we can do is walking, but rain, and rain, and rain… Checked the map on, the rain goes around Cambridge. So, this time we went to Shade’s Mills Conservation Area to check it out. Continue reading “Shade’s Mills”
Author: myontario
Rice Lake
In the book of Terry Boyle “Hidden Ontario” there is an chapter about Serpent Mounds at Keene, sacred burial mounds, the only one in Canada and second in the North America. This First Nation Site was rented by Ontario Government and used as a provincial park. We packed the car and drove there. Continue reading “Rice Lake”
Whistling Gardens
Last Wednesday Flamborough Horticultural Society invited Darren Heimbecker from Whistling Gardens. His presentation “Dwarf Conifers, Smaller Trees and Shrubs for Today’s Garden!” was so impressive that we came to visit his garden on Saturday. Continue reading “Whistling Gardens”
Borer’s falls
Borer’s Falls is a small and quiet conservation aria in Hamilton. It is close to intersection of Dundas and highway 6, but hidden in the forest. The waterfall is 15 meters high.